Saturday, 13 February 2010

New Plymouth and Wet Welly

We left Taupo on Thursday and made our way to New Plymouth arriving late afternoon. Nothing new about it really as it was chucking it down (very much like to one back home no doubt). We spent the rest of the day doing chores as we couldn't go walking and there were no waves. We had the campsite kitchen to ourselves that evening and chilled out watching TV and the occasion game of table tennis. - hoping for better weather on Friday.

We woke on Friday to the sound of rain on our tent so we had a very lazy start to the day. After breakfast it was still raining so we ventured into town to finalise our flights to LA and then went to the cinema. That was the second time we'd been in six months - we don't go that often at home!  We watched 'Invictus' which was about the South African Rugby World Cup Finals. Pretty funny really as the All Blacks lost that game!! It was quite a good film and kept us dry! Plus we didn't realise until the start of the film that it was 20 years to the day that Nelson Mandela had been released. That evening we had the kitchen again to ourselves.

Yesterday we left New Plymouth for Wellington (Wet Welly) and the weather looked as if things might improve! Sadly as we arrived in the capital the dark clouds were forming and the wind was intensifying! Putting up the tent took some time as Mark had to replace another pole (one spare left) and the ground was full of tree roots bending the tent pegs - not a relaxing erection! We spent the afternoon playing table tennis (getting pretty good) and then prepared dinner. During the night we woke up on occasions due to the high winds but fortunately the tent stayed intact. 

Today we took a bus into the capital and walked around the city looking at the various sites including 'Te Papa' - the New Zealand Museum. Back at the campsite we got ourselves sorted for our ferry journey tomorrow to the South Island.

The last couple of days in the North Island have been quite disappointing really due to the weather but we have had a fantastic time and are now really looking forward to the South.

Hope all is tops at home.

Love to all.

Mark &

PS - sorry no photos due to the weather!


  1. Hey, hope the weather improves - especially if you are getting on the ferry tomorrow, that could be a fun journey for you rachel!
    You have got to love a bit of table tennis, its quite different when theres not a crazy black dog trying to kill every table tennis bowl!
    Snow here!
    Lots of love

  2. Hey, hope your next erection is more relaxing.....who wrote this one? I just hope the sun appears in south island for you and in tenerife for us. Loads of love x

  3. Oh no....sounds like you had a pretty miserable time with the weather...hope south island is better for you.....we went to Wicksteed to feed the ducks snow but is freezing!!

  4. What are you like? Tenting with erections this is turning into a pornographic novel! Guess who has been called up for his first game back after 2 months off? Dunno if I'm ready but will let you know the score either way. Much love xxx

  5. Hope it brightens up as you head south - you are going to love it! Enjoy your last few weeks! xx If you can, kayaking on Doubtful Sound is awesome - a lot less touristy than milford sound, although both are worth seeing! We were the only people on the sound with dolphins around us - will dig out company name and let you know. Enjoy!
