Friday, 15 January 2010

Fraser Island (in a 2 wheel drive!!!)

We packed up our belongings early and headed to the 4x4 rental company to pick up our little 'Suzuki Jimny' that would take us around the island for the 3 days. We caught the 08:30 ferry over and were entertained by dolphins in the bay as we waited to depart. Not long after setting off from the harbour we also saw a baby hammerhead shark - things were looking good! The journey across took about 30 minutes and when we arrived on the the island the first task Mark had was to reverse the vehicle off the boat! After managing that task we headed through the island experiencing the bumpy roads for the first time. We arrived at 'Central Station' which is in the centre of the island and stretched our legs. We walked through the forest to a place called 'Lake Basin;' a small but beautiful fresh water lake. The best thing about it was we didn't see another soul and it felt like we were the only people on the island. Getting back to the 4x4 to head towards 'Eurong' which is on the East Coast we experienced our first car problem! Mark couldn't get the vehicle out of the car park due to a steep sandy slope. We cleared the sand behind the wheels, lowed the tyre pressure, backed up and went for it -success, despite the horrible engine noise! We didn't experience anymore incidents and got to 'Eurong' and started our way up the beach. Along the east side of the island there was lots to see including 'Eli Creek', the 'Maheno shipwreck', the 'Pinnacles' and 'Red Canyon'. All stunning things to see and the weather was perfect. It was only when we got to the shipwreck that our second hiccup happened! We needed to get through some soft sand in order to park the vehicle up to look at the wreck properly. As instructed Mark hit the sand hard and fast but we ground to a halt! Fortunately we were rescued after trying to push the 4x4 out - an Aussie guy had a bungee tow rope and we were flung out of the soft sand! Eventually we made it to our campsite which was half way up the coast without anymore major problems. The campsite wasn't very busy which made it easier using the camp kitchen facilities. That night we had dinner with a few beers and played cards. Before bed we had a quick word with our 4x4 hoping for a less eventful day tomorrow!
We rose excited and had a leisurely breakfast as we couldn't get on the beach due to the high tide. At 10am we were off and headed towards 'India Head', a high point on the coast where on a clear day you can see tiger sharks, stingrays and manta rays. We managed to see a baby manta ray and several stingers but no sharks unfortunately. The 4x4 felt good so we thought the little talk had worked! It wasn't until we headed back down the island to a place called 'Happy Valley' so we could head inland to visit more lakes that the problems started again. We got 300 metres up a track and we got stuck! As with the previous problem we were pushed out by some very helpful Australians who commented that our front wheels didn't look like they were doing much work! So we sacked off the plan and headed back to the beach. Being restricted to the beach we headed back up to 'India Head' to watch the late afternoon sun before having to head back to the campsite. A very frustrating day due to the car problems we'd had. It didn't help either that a Swiss couple we'd met had also hired a Suzuki Jimny and had had no issues!
On our last day we left earlier than the recommended time so we could get to 'Lake MacKenzie' and spend longer by the fresh water lake. Unfortunately we got caught for about 30 minutes at 'Yidney Rocks' so we had to wait it out but got across all the other tough spots (for our car anyway). Drving through Eurong we were about half an hour from the lake and it was only 11am - plenty of time to chill before catching the ferry at 3pm. Disaster struck when we left the town and hit the deep soft sand tracks - beached again! With most of the roads being single lane and one way if people do get stuck the cars behind have to help or they dont' go anywhere either. Again we were rescued by some Australians (great nation of helpers) who also mentioned that the front wheels weren't doing any of the work! So we called the hire company and were told to go back to 'Eurong' and wait for a mechanic. One and an half hours past before he finally turned up. We ended up at his wreck yard where two other mechanics were already plastered drinking VB. Our mechanic got himself a 'cold one' before he even looked at our 4x4!! After another can of VB he told us that in fact the front wheels hadn't engaged and we had been driving round the island in a rear wheel 2 wheel drive car the whole time!! He fixed the problem pretty quickly (despite the beers) and we were on our way. Fortunately we still had time to get to the lake, chill, have a swim and a spot of lunch before getting to the ferry. 'Lake Mackensie' was spectacular with it's peaceful surroundings and the clear blue water. Mark was also delighted that the 4x4 finally performed and it hadn't been his driving capabilities all that time! We didn't have anymore dramas as we drove back to the ferry for the 3pm departure. Back on the mainland our next task was to get some money back after being given a 'duff'' car! Rach handled the discussions while Mark swapped our kit from the 4x4 to our other hire car. Sadly the discussions hadn't finished by the time Mark had finished outside so he stepped in with his 5 pence worth! After a heated debate with the boss we managed to get two days costs back which was pretty reasonable seeing we did manage to see most of the places we wanted to see. The hire company's arguement was that we should have phoned them earlier when we first had problems which in hindsight we should have done!
Back at the 'Hervey Bay' campsite we pitched the tent feeling really sandy and tired. That night we chatted to the retired couple from Leeds about our troubled three days over dinner and a few beers. We wanted an early night as we had a 10 hour drive the following day to get to 'Airlie Beach' but that didn't happen and we went to bed around 11pm.
Thanks for all your messages and hope all is good back in 'Blighty'.
Love to all.
Mark & Rach. xxx


  1. Not sure about a Suzuki Jimny....sounded more like you had "Herbie!!" all adds to the big adventure!!! Sounds like you got see some fantastic sights despite Herbie playing you up! It's Raining here!!!! xxx

  2. Great photos and it sounds like the extra effort was worthwhile. Looking forward to the face book pics to add to these. Have fun, love you xxx

  3. You two are like buses, you wait a while and then 3 come at once!!hehe
    Hope the car trouble didnt spoil your trip, looks as though you were still busy bees!
    Very cool about the dolphins, hammerheads and rays. We didnt see any sharks at indian head either. Did you see any dingos or turtles?

  4. Sounds like those mechanics had the job of a lifetime there! Drinking beers all day and then helping two damsels in distress! Im sure Marks driving skills didnt add to the problems at all, as long as he wasnt driving along with the passenger door open! You will be happy to know that my foot is getting better although I will have had four visits to the doctor in less than a week because of my open wound, I'll send you an email of it for a bit of excitement! Keep having a great time, gettin jealous that your nearly in NewZealand Much love Frank and Pops xxx

  5. Sounds interesting, can't believe you survived Fraser in a 2WD - crazy stuff, bloody ozzies! Very very jealous you are nearly in NZ - you will love it! xxx
