Monday, 2 November 2009

Back in Bangkok - for 36 hours anyway!

Hello followers!
We are now back in Bangkok after taking the night train from Vientiane which was great fun! Unfortunately our time in Laos got worse since our last post - our phones were taken from our room along with a small amount of Thai baht! So we will be getting a Thai (pay as you go job) phone today. Due to the phone incident we couldn't phone people as we said we would -sorry about that.
Tomorrow we're taking another night train up to Chiang Mai and plan to spend a week there which we're really looking forward to.
We promise a more interesting update soon.
Lots of love.
Mark & Rach. xxx


  1. naughty people......look after your stuff.....first rule - don't leave stuff in your room! Bum! Any way - have a brilliant time with Jo and Luke. Look forward to speaking soon. Lots of love x

  2. Oh Bum! That is so annoying!!Enjoy your time with Jo and Luke, send my love!x
